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Re: Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin)

Re: Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin)2010-09-06T22:30:27+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Ritalin Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin) Re: Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin)


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

I’m not familiar with the medicines in the Netherlands, but it sounds like you’re asking about switching from a generic brand of Methyphenidate to the proper brand of it (Ritalin).

Methylphenidate goes through the body quite quickly. The short-acting regular form only lasts a few hours. Longer-acting forms can last up to 10 or 12 hours. After that, they’re gone. But you do not need to worry about this now, because you are only changing brands. You will still be taking the same drug, just with a different name.

Please talk your doctor about the sick feeling you have when taking Methylphenidate. This is a less-common side effect of the drug, but it does happen in some people. Changing dosage or brand may help. If it does not help, you will have to change to a medicine that does not contain Methylphenidate at all.