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Re: Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin)

Re: Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin)2010-09-13T11:05:48+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Ritalin Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin) Re: Methylphenidate > Riatlin (Dutch: Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH v.s. Ritalin)


Post count: 14413


Yes, thats correct ‘Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH’is a dutch generic version of Ritalin. The fillers are just a tiny bit diffrent. And the coast of the drug is lower, so thats why i got it.

Today I started ritalin, and now afther 2 dosis i really feel better. Hope it stays this way!

Bisides that the nosea is much less, (i whas noseaus in the morning even with out meds) it even looks like i’m more relaxter than with the Methylfenidaathydrochloride PCH.

So I’ll just keep on trying this for 4 weeks!

Thanks for the respond!

