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Re: Migraines and ADD

Re: Migraines and ADD2011-07-17T14:09:35+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Migraines and ADD Re: Migraines and ADD


Post count: 14413

I have the same problem with the search function, it’s useless and very frustrating, like being able to see what you want through a window but not being able to grab it.

I am a sufferer of migraine auras (no headache) that last about 20 minutes, and during that 20 minutes I either have no peripheral vision or only peripheral vision (I get the mirror-like wavy distortion of vision). I can’t read, drive or work on the computer. Have to just sit it out, Advil or Tylenol don’t help. Since I don’t have them frequently, I don’t take any migraine-preventive pills. Often it is brought on by extremely bright light but sometimes there is no discernible cause (probably stress). They started some time in my late teens, I used to only have one a year but they’ve been more frequent in the last few years.

In thinking back during the period I’ve been on meds (ritalin), I haven’t had any auras. I haven’t made any dietary changes (have been a vegetarian/almost vegan for the past 7 years). I’ll keep monitoring that, it’s an interesting question but I have no official information on it.