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Migraines and ADD

Migraines and ADD2011-07-17T01:18:37+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Migraines and ADD

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    Post count: 303

    I am having problems getting to the actual posts through the searches. When I search, then click on the results, it just sends me back to forums. So forgive me if this has been asked before:

    Is there some sort of relation between ADD and migraines? A friend whose husband and daughter have ADD says that there is. She couldn’t tell me where she got her information, though.

    This past Fall, just as my ADD symptoms were going into overdrive, I started to experience what has now been diagnosed as migraine auras without the headaches. They auras started to diminish as I started treating the ADD. However, this included similar dietary changes that people with migraines have to make, so I didn’t think they were related until this woman spoke to me. I just thought it was all coincidence. Now I’m very curious.

    Of course, I have ADD and forgot to ask my doc that on our last visit. I knew I was forgetting something.


    Post count: 14413

    I have the same problem with the search function, it’s useless and very frustrating, like being able to see what you want through a window but not being able to grab it.

    I am a sufferer of migraine auras (no headache) that last about 20 minutes, and during that 20 minutes I either have no peripheral vision or only peripheral vision (I get the mirror-like wavy distortion of vision). I can’t read, drive or work on the computer. Have to just sit it out, Advil or Tylenol don’t help. Since I don’t have them frequently, I don’t take any migraine-preventive pills. Often it is brought on by extremely bright light but sometimes there is no discernible cause (probably stress). They started some time in my late teens, I used to only have one a year but they’ve been more frequent in the last few years.

    In thinking back during the period I’ve been on meds (ritalin), I haven’t had any auras. I haven’t made any dietary changes (have been a vegetarian/almost vegan for the past 7 years). I’ll keep monitoring that, it’s an interesting question but I have no official information on it.


    Post count: 206

    If you are trying to search whether something is in the Forums, go to the Forums page, then search at the top of the page. It will then bring up everything that is on the subject in the Forums.


    Post count: 14413

    I must be incredibly stupid. I did that, but when i click on the topic, it just takes me back to the forum main page, not to the post I wanted. Am I doing something wrong or does this happen to everyone? If I have to find the forum topic that the thread is in, it takes too long and I forget what I was looking for :(


    Post count: 128

    I am very interested in what you find out about migrains and ADD. My best friend is ADD (undiagnosed) and gets terrible migrains. I have been trying to get her to get tested for ADD but she is resisting. I think both her children are ADD. One is a stunt man in a show that has gone to china. He dropped out of college and went into showbusiness and he absolutely loves it. Her daughter is younger, around 21 or 22 and went to college for a couple of years but started drinking and now has sever health problems related to her drinking. My friend had built such a wonderful support system around these kids that their ADD symptoms did not show up until they left the nest. Now she thinks that she is a bad mother because she blaims herself for their problems. My thinking is that if I can convince her that ADD meds might help her migrains she will go and get tested for the ADD. I hate to see her suffer needlessly because of something that she has not control over but feels guilty about anyway. Been there, done that, now done with guilt. Of course I still get upset with myself when I do things like lose TWO canes in one week.


    Post count: 251

    Regarding the topic search thing, it seems to be some kind of bug to me. What’s interesting is that if I do a search and then click on topics in the results list that were posted earlier than today, I go to that topic. But clicking on anything with today’s date takes me back to the main forum page.



    Post count: 14413

    Thanks, quizzical. I’m glad I’m not crazy (lazy or stupid). That explains why it works some of the time.

    I am somewhat of an expert at finding bugs. If there’s one, I’ll find it. I tend to do what programmers don’t anticipate. Of course, I tend to do what many people don’t anticipate and that usually gets me in hot water 😳


    Post count: 128

    That’s funny, no_dopamine, I have said the same thing for all the years I worked in the computer department. I was always doing something that would make the system freeze or give me error messages. I had brought the company to a standstill more times than I care to remember because I was doing unexpected things or not checking my programing carefully before I ran a report that pulled all the data from the system or put some command in a loop. One of the reasons i did not continue in computers after I got fired from that job.


    Post count: 14413

    Hey memzak, too funny! I am just too fast, I do things intuitively on the computer (who has time to read manuals?) and I’m a touch typist so I can get into trouble faster. Like sending emails without thinking about how they might be received (I am clueless when it comes to sensing others’ reactions) and not having arms long enough to reach into the internet and yank them back 😳

    Back to topic, I am not sure there is any relationship between migraines and ADD. I still do get headaches but they are the more normal kind, like people talk about, when you stop taking meds for the day, for example. I do get whopper headaches (which are probably migraines but not the aura type) that I am associating with the weather – changes in pressure – and when I get those, no headache remedy will help and sometimes they go on for a few days :( for some reason I crave sugar when that happens, like soda pop or ice cream.


    Post count: 303

    Oh we are all soooo ADD. LMAO!

    I get no side effects after stopping meds, not even the auras. I think the dietary changes help more, maybe. I dunno. I just figured out I had these migraine things. Really, I never experienced them before Christmas of last year

    It seems weird that this is all coming up now, but I do believe stress is a major part of both why I started to experience these auras and why my ADD got so horrendously bad. I had a really, really horrible string of stressful events, last Fall. Just too much going on all at once.

    Also, I’m close to 40. Somebody said your body does weird stuff then. I thought turning 40 was going to be fun. Oprah is a liar!!! LOL!!!


    Post count: 303

    Oh, I love Google! Look what I found:


    A paper from a Journal of Attention Disorders (There’s a whole journal???). Looks like these people have found some sort of correlation, but not the exact connection. I just read the abstract. No time to read the whole thing. Meds have worn off and it’s past my bedtime.


    Post count: 303

    Well crud, you gotta sign up and pay for the full version.


    Post count: 14413

    I don’t think I would understand the technical aspects even if I could read the full article, but that’s interesting that there’s a possible comorbitity between ADHD and migraines.

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