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Re: Mild ADD? Or Midlife Crisis? Wondering/Obsessing, and in Need of a Pep Talk

Re: Mild ADD? Or Midlife Crisis? Wondering/Obsessing, and in Need of a Pep Talk2011-06-03T16:34:22+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Do I Have it? Mild ADD? Or Midlife Crisis? Wondering/Obsessing, and in Need of a Pep Talk Re: Mild ADD? Or Midlife Crisis? Wondering/Obsessing, and in Need of a Pep Talk


Post count: 251

So true, the way the ideas seem to evaporate! Although these days I find that things go out of my head when I sit down – especially at the computer – :) – and then when something forces me up out of the chair (“Hey, it’s lunchtime already!”), I’ll take about three steps and then have all kind of a-HA! moments (“Oh, I had that phone call I was going to make!”). Something about the moving feet gets my mind moving. And, yep, I’m a night owl too. Hubby’s always telling me “just go to bed earlier.” If ONLY! Never ever works, and when it does, I end up sleeping even later, as if my body’s saying “Hey, sleep – I remember that; let’s have a whole lot of it!”