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Re: Misunderstood Optimist Vent

Re: Misunderstood Optimist Vent2011-11-10T15:04:19+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Venting! Misunderstood Optimist Vent Re: Misunderstood Optimist Vent


Post count: 596


So glad you vented!!

I’ve been thinking along those lines for a while because I’m getting tired – well that’s not a good word but can’t think of another so bear with me – of the “i’m so depressed and miserable nobody understands how bad it is to be miserable all you happy people go away” threads. Seriously, isn’t the point of all this commiserating to be positive and move forward?

I can sympathize if someone has not yet found their way forward but then don’t bite off the heads of people who are trying to help you put a positive spin on it.

Sure maybe I’m not that bad off compared to many others here but then all things are relative. However, with some recents threads I’ve not even bothered to respond since people are just looking for a reason to moan.

So I say keep putting a positive spin on things !! For goodness sake it can’t hurt if things suck already :-)

Anyway hope this was on topic and I read your first post correctly :-) I do that – act before reading everything correctly…