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Re: My story – Diagnosed at 29

Re: My story – Diagnosed at 292010-12-08T04:11:59+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults My story – Diagnosed at 29 Re: My story – Diagnosed at 29


Post count: 12

My original major when I got to college was engineering also, I quickly decided it wasn’t for me, and that I wanted to stay in something related, but where i could be more hands on. I went the route of Industrial Technology, and spent a lot of time working on product design. I Love solving the design problems of something, then watching it being made, or making it myself.

Before I started teaching I had my worst job, I was an industrial engineer, and love the manufacturing part of the job, but had to take over purchasing while trying to design and implement an MRP system. I spent so much time on the phone I couldn’t do the things I wanted to do to make improvements, and so I quit.

You may be interested in something like manufacturing engineering. I was just introduced to the program at CAL Poly, and would have do it if I knew it existed when I was in college. http://ime.calpoly.edu/