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Re: My story – Diagnosed at 29

Re: My story – Diagnosed at 292010-12-08T04:21:10+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults My story – Diagnosed at 29 Re: My story – Diagnosed at 29


Post count: 913

Tim – gardening and woodworking are “side hobbies” for the same reasons – create and see an end result that give you and others satisfaction. Same for my engines – taking a rusty hulk and turning it into something beautiful that runs and gives off sweet sounds.

Engineering was too complex, took too much time, too much math, but when I farmed, I really had to pull in the math. Not all fields are square, and things get divided up oddly – chemical mixes, tractor speed, nozzle size and shape…. (kids, you need math in almost anything you do, even sports)

Wow, I see echoes of myself in these posts…….