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Re: Name that feeling!

Re: Name that feeling!2011-07-24T22:52:37+00:00

Post count: 14413

In one of my ADHD books, it mentions the “unscratchable itch” that is caused by ADHD. I have felt it too – I pace the house and have no idea what I want other than to be doing something “different”. It nearly always happens when I am alone. I end up bawling my eyes out from sheer frustration. Having the kids has toned it down a lot, because I am alone a lot less, so I find that I enjoy my alone time when I get it, but I am sure as they become more independent and I am rushing around less, then the feeling will come back in spades as being alone starts to wear thin. Shift work is certainly crappy in that respect because I am often home when hubby isn’t. I have realised that the more physical outlets I have, the less I feel “itchy”, so I think I need to get myself into more regular exercise. And having reasons to go out and socialise also helps, so maybe I’ll have to join a quilting club or similar, or pick up extra shifts at work, once the kids start driving and don’t need me running around after them as much, so I will have a reason to leave the house. The more I am out and about, the more I appreciate my time alone and the less likely I am to feel irritable and out of sorts.

I wish I knew of a helpful suggestion, Carrie, but I can’t even find out which of my books mentions “the itch”!! How typical :?