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Re: Name that feeling!

Re: Name that feeling!2011-07-30T23:43:33+00:00

Post count: 529

Yes… I change it all the time!

I dont know much about medication. But… It seems that Sudafed is apart of the amphetamine chemical class. Well the active ingredient in it is… which is Pseudoephedrine…. And yes… caffeine would enhance the effects of the amepthemine… Amphetamines are stimulants so…. You have your self a stimulant mixture there. That would give you energy. ADD meds are stimulants.. like I take Dexedrine, there is Adderal, Ritalin etc… But I could be wrong! I just put that together using the internet! hahaha

I have just learned this week, and here in these posts how self medication is bad. Just read back on all the posts here. Every time I didnt take my meds, I got antsy, mischievous and then would self medicate… Like get drunk… Sleep… Over eat…..Or crave psychedelic drugs ANYTHING to get rid of the unbearable itch. And in the end… ALWAYS regret it.

Do you not take stimulant medication for your ADD?

On that note… I HATE/LOVE the sun! It makes me so antsy!! I want to be out there soooooooooo bad but then I can never make up my mind on what I want to do. Camping!! Yes lets go! But then where to go? Ok then… lets go boating!! Well then we need to fix the boat… And then where do we go? Lets go for a hike! Well then the kids would get too tired hot, and on a hot day im not carrying a kid up the mountain. I just get overwhelmed and frustrated with what to do and then the day is done and I have done nothing. At this time of day my ADD meds are worn off and I feel very antsy.. That terrible itch! Now here I am with you Mem… Having a drink just after I swore I wouldnt. I am going to finish my husbands resume… Play some video games… Sleep, then do SOMETHING, ANYTHING tomorrow!! Even if its just running to the mountain with no agenda! Or hook up the hose to the trampoline and jump with my kids and irritate the crap outta my husband by trying to hose him down! See… I get so antsy and just want to BUG HIM! (normally by a play fight like I wrote at the start of this post hahaha) Maybe I am an addict of some sort! Alcoholic? I dont drink as long as I dont have alcohol in the house… Its only at this time when I feel so antsy!! UUUUUGGH!! I need more coverage from my meds.

I found that with the Ritalin on the down I would become very moody. On the down from the Dexedrine my anxiety goes up for a bit. I was sitting at the beach today and almost had a panic attack, heart palpitations and all. I couldnt for the life of me figure out why… Yes I am scared of crowds and there was a crowd. But I was hidden in a double decked bus away from everyone. Always about 4 1/2 hours after my med I do get anxious. This is what makes me so tired of meds. Im tired of having to take it in the morning to keep this “itch” away, and then having to remember what time I took my first dose, and then the anxiety on the down. And the cost of about $130 a month!

I bought 3 books yesterday all on ADD… Thanks Pete for reminding me to! I bought the “So you mean im not crazy, lazy or stupid” one, and then 2 others about ADD and how to organize etc. Im hoping those will help me get a good routine down and then I wont have to rely on meds anymore! Also, I have contacted an ADD COACH!! One that Paully suggested in the other post there. I cant wait for that! It will be through the phone, but that will help me figure out how to get started because thats my biggest problem!