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Re: Never ending ADD humor

Re: Never ending ADD humor2012-09-17T14:41:33+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Never ending ADD humor Re: Never ending ADD humor


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

He came by that pathos naturally, because he had so much pain in his real life. People called him “Hard Luck Lou”, because of it.

The worst was when his baby son, Butch, drowned in the swimming pool (that Lou had always dreamed of having), just hours before Butch was to be allowed to stay up and listen to his dad’s radio show for the very first time.

Lou went on and did the show, because he knew that Butch would be listening, wherever he was. As soon as the show was over, Lou went backstage and collapsed…and Bud Abbott then told the audience what had happened earlier that day.

If you watch the “Abbott & Costello” TV show or movies, you’ll notice that Lou always wears a thick, gold bracelet, with an engraved plate on it. The plate was engraved with Butch’s name, and Lou never took it off. In fact, he’d had it permanently linked closed, by the jeweller who made it.