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Re: Not able to make out lyrics in a song?

Re: Not able to make out lyrics in a song?2011-01-16T05:44:10+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Not able to make out lyrics in a song? Re: Not able to make out lyrics in a song?


Post count: 14413

I totally agree about Weird Al; and hey, that would be a cool song!!

@billd, we do have an amp and speakers, they do help! I have noticed that clarity with the instruments on good speakers, too.

I think I miss what they say too sometimes in moments of lost concentration…have noticed that ALOT more since I have been researching ADD, that I miss(aka only tune in after) the first (and often the key) part of a conversation that usually indicates the topic; I get tired of hearing of someone’s adventure, etc, and then having to ask, “And who/what were we talking about?” –Usually when you can’t fake it anymore because someone asks your opinion!