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Re: Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–

Re: Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–2012-09-11T07:39:49+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well– Re: Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–


Post count: 1096

That’s interesting nellie. I got the impression when I read it that it was written by someone with ADHD PI who had done his own research on it. Maybe he’s not even that then! I did think it was OK at the time, but not everything fitted, but that’s back to blurred edges.

julestnz – in that case take it with a pinch of salt. Lots of these books are by people just sharing. If you want something more factual try Barklay’s book.

I know what you mean about impulsivity julestnz. Although predominantly inattentive, the biggest triggers that sent me looking for help were related to my emotional regulation – or lack of it. Actually Barklay (spelling?) suggests that PI is really combined type unless you have the Sluggish Tempo variety which is different again and some doubt it’s ADHD at all but something else. Even the experts can’t agree.

Anyway….must go..late for work…again!