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Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–

Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–2010-11-30T04:07:57+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–

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  • #96655

    Post count: 596

    Well I just opened the book on my computer to see. It says he was diagnosed with ADD inattentive type in 1997 and there is a disclaimer at the beginning :

    The information in this book is derived from general research from books, articles, websites, personal experience and informal discussions with members of ADHD support groups…..

    I often skip the blah blah at the beginning of books when I’m in a hurry so guess I shouldn’t have in this case :-) And based on the above we can all write books – if only we could finish the project!

    But regardless of the above, it seems like a well written and synthesized book. I’m reading it to get a handle on my daughter’s version of ADD so hopefully it will provided some new insight.


    Post count: 1096

    nellie – we both exemplify the author’s definition of the PI type and the classical type! You (combined type) skipped the blah blah and went straight to the shiny bits of the book. I (PI type) read the blah blah, pondered it, started thinking about something else and promptly forgot what he’d written! :)


    Post count: 596

    well on the bright side looks you have a good handle on the condition with that observation :-)


    Post count: 14413

    I liked the Carr book. It was good to see the focus on PI all in one place. But I also felt he linked some of his own idiosyncrasies with what he called common ADD traits. LOL, now I sound like an expert, and I am not. But it was easy to spot where his views were unique and not backed up with any evidence (apart from his experience)

    Still a good read and part of my ongoing education.

    I find it interesting that a lot of people ‘blame’ all sorts of ailments and quirks on ADD. I suppose it suits us and we all inherently different.


    Post count: 596

    glad it was useful. I still haven’t had time to sit and read it through.


    Post count: 14413

    I’m new here. Trying to get a grip on this ADD thing as a possible answer to a some questions I’ve been chasing for a long time. I’m 48 and have done pretty well in life all things considered I’m grateful. With that said I’ve done some very ADD things for many years. I went to 7 different colleges, for my undergrad degree. I just keep moving. Burned through a lot of relationships along the way.I’ve also had dozens of jobs, but have been relatively fortunate in that area financially speaking. When I’m good at something, I’m really, really good, so I have a reservoir of self-confidence built on outside accomplishments that I’ve learned to incorporate as “reminders” that I really am OK. Perhaps not the healthiest approach to self-worth, but I’m working with what I’ve got right :-). When I’m not interested in something I am really not good at it…in fact can be neglectful of basic stuff – like throwing things away. I have a hard time with that, not to the point of hoarding, but just a hard time with it. I also have a very hard time planning for vacations. I leave that to my wife since it just doesn’t “click” with me so it doesn’t get done well.. Sometimes, it seems, emotions burn through me. Sadness especially has a burning feel to it. My son was diagnosed with ADHD inattention and told my brother about it and offered that it sounded kind of like him…my brother basically said “It sounds MORE like you.” which kind of caught me off guard, but then I started reading more into it all and well here I am trying ti take steps to answer that painful question originally that started back, each morning, in college no matter where in the world I was where I’d look in the mirror and wonder “What is… wrong?…. with me?”


    Post count: 14413

    I’m new here. Trying to get a grip on this ADD thing as a possible answer to a some questions I’ve been chasing for a long time. I’m 48 and have done pretty well in life all things considered I’m grateful. With that said I’ve done some very ADD things for many years. I went to 7 different colleges, for my undergrad degree. I just keep moving. Burned through a lot of relationships along the way.I’ve also had dozens of jobs, but have been relatively fortunate in that area financially speaking. When I’m good at something, I’m really, really good, so I have a reservoir of self-confidence built on outside accomplishments that I’ve learned to incorporate as “reminders” that I really am OK. Perhaps not the healthiest approach to self-worth, but I’m working with what I’ve got right :-). When I’m not interested in something I am really not good at it…in fact can be neglectful of basic stuff – like throwing things away. I have a hard time with that, not to the point of hoarding, but just a hard time with it. I also have a very hard time planning for vacations. I leave that to my wife swith me so it doesn’t get done well.. Sometimes, it seems, emotions burn through me. Sadness especially has a burning feel to it. My son was diagnosed with ADHD inattention and told my brother about it and offered that it sounded kind of like him…my brother basically said “It sounds MORE like you.” which kind of caught me off guard, but then I started reading more into it all and well here I am trying ti take steps to answer that painful question originally that started back, each morning, in college no matter where in the world I was where I’d look in the mirror and wonder “What is… wrong?…. with me?”


    Blue Yugo
    Post count: 62

    I’ve laughed at and with myself many times when I realize I’m scatter-brained and disorganized at times. I never gave ADD much thought until I was prompted to take a look back at my life. I was not a hyper-active kid, but I was definitely inattentive and disorganized. (Still am.) The only thing I have in common with the hyperactive aspect is that I’m a constant foot-tapper, leg-shaker, and finger-drummer…which I’d first became conscious of in first grade and could never stop. I have also been extremely distracted (and often agitated) by noises around me, people talking when I’m trying to concentrate, and radios in the workplace…forget it! But in school and work I was quiet, never interrupted people, would either not talk at all or occasionally talk too much…but I can stay seated.

    So, once I realized that the focus was on inattentive, I reopened my mind to the possibility of ADD. I’ve not been formally diagnosed, but the eye-opener was websites like this and a few others unrelated. I took various self-eval tests, and they are relatively consistent. 4 of 6…. 6 of 9…. The criteria seems to vary test by test, but I see the pattern. I see it in my life, too. Glazing over in boring meetings or social events in which I’m not fully engaged. Chronic disorganization. Distraction. Avoidance. Forgetfulness. Skipping obligations. Even just shifting from thing to thing even when the first isn’t done yet. (How many times have I removed one shoe, brushed my teeth, then removed the other shoe?) Degrees vary, but I think I have enough reason to address what I’ve noticed in myself.

    I don’t have insurance, and I don’t really want to take meds because I do function highly and at times over-focus on stuff. I don’t see the need in someone like me. For that, is a formal diagnosis REALLY necessary? I don’t want the label, but in ways I wish I’d known sooner. I just assumed “That’s not me.” Even if I am consistent with inattentive ADD, so be it, label or not. I know I have these tendencies, and the self-eval’s only prove the obvious. “Mild ADD?” I guess. Either way, my distractibility and inattentiveness need to be addressed, but aside from “it’s just how I am,” I wonder what I can do on a conscious level to compensate.

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