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Re: Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–

Re: Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–2010-12-02T09:27:27+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well– Re: Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–


Post count: 14413

There are many reasons for fatigue and some, as you likely are aware of, is the body’s reaction to environmental allergens and the body’s immune system integrity. While ADHD meds boost up the autonomic nervous system by pushing catechoamines, it may not have an effect on the immune system response. It might do the opposite as well so you really need to consult with your doctor on the viability of this treatment. Having said that, in the hands of your doc, I am sure you can go slowly and find the best fit. I know that fibromyalgia patients or individuals with Chronic Fatigue, actually do find benefits but it really depends on the person and their other underlying conditions.

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