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Re: Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–

Re: Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–2012-05-13T07:58:43+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well– Re: Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–


Post count: 14413

All the symptoms seem to fit me really well. From my memories of being a child right up to present. Currently being treated for depression and ? Bipolar. However I’m not convinced about being Bipolar. I feel ADD fits me better. My brother was hyper. I was quiet shy and withdrawn. No one ever seemed to notice me as they were always so busy dealing with him. I have found the parrent’s assessment form online at CADDAC (I think it was). My parrents admitted they are having trouble filling it in. I never gave them trouble…well not much trouble. So they were otherwise occupied. My son has ADHD. He is hard to tolerate at times but his biphentin really makes a difference. I have a hard time keeping a good schedule for him. Keeping firm on the rules. I like to get up and go do something fun for the day. Without much regard for what was planned for the day. Today we went out for dinner and a movie. Anyway…totally off topic. I want to know how I find a Dr knowledgable enough with adult ADD to trust with my assessment. Not that I believe I so amazingly unique. Just that I live in a small town of 800 people. Our Drs aren’t necessarily totally up to date. I have seen a psychologist. He started me on Divalproex (lithium) for ? Bipolar as a 2-3 month trial. I don’t want to self diagnose. I have been reading alot though. My extremes in moods are short lived. Often less then a day. Anyway today is May 13 2012 and I have been off work due to illness since January 20 2012. I became overwhelmed and very depressed. I just want to know so I can get educated, reoriented and back to life. I’m a Nurse….I’m supposed to be helping others.