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Re: Not loving it, looking for suggestions.

Re: Not loving it, looking for suggestions.2012-10-02T00:23:51+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta Not loving it, looking for suggestions. Re: Not loving it, looking for suggestions.


allan wallace
Post count: 478

Cripes, a bit of a pickle, eh? I haven’t tried the meds that you’ve taken, so I can’t compare effects…I know that stimulants de-clutter my mind and enable me to get some clarity. ie. I can have my meds, not have the bombardment of random thoughts, not be as muddleheaded, have meals as normal, and sleep like a log. Other people that I know can’t. When I did coke, or other uppers it had a different effect on me to my mates which was rather interesting…yes, I got a ‘jump start’ like everybody else, but the ‘come downs’ were a breeze. Never a problem .Never got grumpy, moody, or angry like my buddies did, in fact it was as if I was as chilled out as a hippy! I once tried strattera, but found that it made me feel acutely sad, tearful, and engulfed in despair. Have you sought a second opinion for the ADHD diagnosis? Good luck with it all! :D