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Re: Not sure if it's me or the ADHD but I hate morning

Re: Not sure if it's me or the ADHD but I hate morning2012-07-13T06:49:09+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Not sure if it's me or the ADHD but I hate morning Re: Not sure if it's me or the ADHD but I hate morning


Post count: 14413

I used to hate mornings . . . like I was coming out of an generla anesthetic . . .

1st . . . make sure you do not have sleep apnea – get assessed

2nd . . . I set my clock 30 minutes early, and take my Concerta and roll back over and snooze until the second alarm

3rd. . . I well spent the $$ on one of the dawning clocks that light up your bedroom like noon time gradually . . . and it has a very pleasant gonging sound rather than the four nasty alarm clocks that made for an instant bad mood with their noxious sounds . . .

Between all of those changes – much easier to get up . . . .