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Not sure if it's me or the ADHD but I hate morning

Not sure if it's me or the ADHD but I hate morning2011-02-01T16:00:28+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Not sure if it's me or the ADHD but I hate morning

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    Post count: 14413

    Shuz4me: I thought maybe I had written your post, but then I saw your name next to it.

    I hate mornings. Alarm clocks piss me off. Don’t talk to me before I’ve had my caffeine or you will regret it (have you ever heard a person growl like a dog?).

    I have to laugh at myself because it’s sometimes downright ridiculous and comical. Before the meds though, I couldn’t really control it myself. I mean, I can control whether or not I lash out at someone, but I can’t control the feelings inside.

    I tend to get angry at inanimate objects more than I get angry at people.


    Post count: 14413

    I am a night owl and have been since the 3rd grade. I love nights and dont want to go to sleep which leaves me with very little sleep. Lots of things happen in the night that I don’t want to miss. Truly I dread every mornings and hate alarm clocks.


    Post count: 14413

    I have always found it hard to get up in the morning. Now that I know I have ADD, I think that is the reason. Life is harder for us, and when I first wake up it’s like I don’t want to face all the challenges of the day. The good news is that once I got on the right meds (Zoloft, Adderall and Strattera) I don’t feel that way as much. My solution is to take 40 mg of Strattera and 50 mg of Zoloft just before going to bed. It makes a lot of difference in my attitude upon waking the next morning. Instead of dreading all the things I have been procrastinating about, I feel more ambitious and actually anxious to do things. I’m not 100% yet, but much better.

    By the way, I know Strattera is expensive and most insurance doesn’t cover it. If you are lower income, look at the Lilly Cares program and you might be able to get it free from the manufacturer. I do.


    Post count: 14413

    I’ve despised mornings my entire life. It is always hard to get out of bed. I am chronically late to my 9-5 job & to morning appointments (well, to be fair, I’m late for everything at any time, but it’s worse in the morning).

    My brain seems to wake up at around 11pm, so if I don’t get to bed before 10pm, I’ll likely end up wide awake for hours. I find though that no matter how early I get to sleep, I still won’t naturally wake up early. I feel like my brain is trying to catch up on years of sleep deprivation.

    On the few occasions that I’m up at some ungodly hour (e.g. 4-5am) I do love it though…I love the stillness and calm. Everything I love about the middle of the night I guess…being up when everything is sleeping and the world is quiet.


    Post count: 14413

    I’m the same – NOT a morning person. My self-diagnosis is Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome.


    Post count: 14413

    Totally not a morning person. Waking up for work and trying to get there on time is an ordeal every single day. I use a daylight simulating alarm clock and the alarms on my iphone with a nice sound. I always hit snooze at least twice.

    The only time I like mornings is those rare occasions when I spontaneously wake up long before the alarm clock goes on and I get out of bed and putter around the house while hubby is still asleep. I like the peacefulness of the early morning (same thing I like about staying up late at night). But like I said, it’s a rare occasion that I wake up spontaneously at just the right spot in my sleep cycle so I feel actually *awake* and want to get up.

    I wish I could be a night owl and an early bird, but if I could choose, I would be an early bird. Life would be easier.


    Post count: 14413

    Unfortunately ADHD does not go away at night. Because of “Low Arousal” at night, we can’t get the sleep hygiene we need to get. So yes, it’s so common that some people sleep better when they are on stimulants. If you have sleep phase problems and feeling sleepy when you shouldn’t be, you can try phototerapy with lightboxes. Or find a “really strong light” and put it to your face first thing in the morning. It is an accepted way of treatment for people with sleep problems. It works by changing circadian rhythm (biological clock)..


    Post count: 14413

    I used to hate mornings . . . like I was coming out of an generla anesthetic . . .

    1st . . . make sure you do not have sleep apnea – get assessed

    2nd . . . I set my clock 30 minutes early, and take my Concerta and roll back over and snooze until the second alarm

    3rd. . . I well spent the $$ on one of the dawning clocks that light up your bedroom like noon time gradually . . . and it has a very pleasant gonging sound rather than the four nasty alarm clocks that made for an instant bad mood with their noxious sounds . . .

    Between all of those changes – much easier to get up . . . .


    Post count: 116

    i have pretty much same issues as you – been a nightowl as long as i can remember….

    though i can appreciate the beauty of a sunrise, pretty much the only time i’ve seen it is when i had not gone to bed at all.

    also, back when i was driving long distances sometimes to get to work and would have to leave 2 or 3 hours or more before clinic started to allow drive time, i did appreciate the relative peace in the early mornings, the hugely diminished amount of traffic (and driving in traffic, especially heavy traffic, is not at all good for me).

    it was really, really difficult when in grad school, and they had a pre-set program everyone was supposed to follow……and classes started at 7 am….i was not a happy camper.

    i’ve tried many things, no solutions yet. i agree that being a morning person would make some things easier…..but just can’t imagine being any other way…at least not yet….


    Post count: 445

    For what it’s worth, my ADD is MUCH worse in the morning. My head spins; I can’t focus on anything; I’m anxious; and I pace about the room. It gets a bit better as the day wears on. I know that blood pressure tends to be higher in the morning. Maybe ADD is, too. Why that might be, I have no idea.


    Post count: 845

    It’s like having a hangover without the pain.


    Post count: 116

    ha! – yep, sort of like a hangover without the pain.

    sometimes i feel like someone slipped me something i struglle so in the mornings, even to just get out of bed…but even when i’m forced out of bed for whatever reason i feel like i’m drugged- sometimes til well into afternoon, or i get lots of caffeine into me

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