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Re: notgettinwat I need to help my ADHD

Re: notgettinwat I need to help my ADHD2011-06-02T11:40:17+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? notgettinwat I need to help my ADHD Re: notgettinwat I need to help my ADHD


Post count: 14413

wow, thank you both so much for your responses. Despite knowing so much about myself and how I function there were things brought up by the both of you that pertain to me that wasnt on the forefront of my thought process. I’ll re-evaluate my situation.

I’ve thought that to surounding myself with friends and family that I thought were supportive was helpful. I guess this is me learning which ones of them are truely understanding and those which choose to not understand. Oh crap gotta run to work going to be late.