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Re: Now I finally know what's wrong with me…

Re: Now I finally know what's wrong with me…2010-12-13T03:52:12+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Now I finally know what's wrong with me… Re: Now I finally know what's wrong with me…


Post count: 14413

The PBS show hit every detail of ME! I have been a dog in a cat kennel and finally sniffed a familiar butt! No kidding, all the emotion, tears, anger, Post Sticks, everything, is ME ME ME!!! Now I know at age 47, why I don’t understand people and they don’t understand me. For years, I studied Mars Vs Venus and the popular joke is “Rick is from planet X”. In high school, the most accurate statement I remember, “There are 3 groups, Jocks, Druggies and Rick”. Super achievers? Does anyone know Frank Lloyd Wright? With no prior experience, I give him a serious run. Inspectors shake their heads and you can imagine what comes next! Boy do I get into trouble as well. No, I don’t do anything WRONG, I do too much too RIGHT! “To good to be true” Oh my God!!!! The local and state officials who go out of their way to describe, “You can’t do that without meaning or intending……” Super achiever? Adrenalin? I need my fix! When the project is done, I have to talk about it and I can’t shut up. When that runs out, I hit bottom. HELP! Please!