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December 12, 2010 at 4:22 pm #88775
AnonymousInactiveDecember 12, 2010 at 4:22 pmPost count: 14413This is my first post here at TotallyADD, and I’d like to share my experiences. I watched the Totally ADD show on PBS, and like everyone else who suspected they had ADD I had an “AHA” experience. There’s nothing else that fits my life description quite like ADD. When I was a child I was one of those who would take 4 hours to do an hour’s worth of homework. I was constantly daydreaming, especially in class (which got me in a bit of trouble). I was always being told, “You’re so intelligent, why aren’t you doing better?”, which didn’t exactly help my self-esteem any. As a child I never knew what I wanted to be, or if I did I’d change my mind every couple of years or so, when I would lose interest. All my adult life I’ve had trouble holding on to jobs, mostly I’d quit out of boredom, but sometimes my inability to focus for an appreciable amount of time would get me in trouble. I’ve been through a failed marriage and divorce, but i got lucky, my second wife is a wonderful, loving woman and we’re coming up on 25 years of marriage. Like all of you with ADD, my brain is constantly racing at 100 mph, and it get to the point that I have trouble sleeping. I can’t shut the stupid thing off! I zone out very easily, which makes conversation difficult. And at times I’ll make comments or do things and I’ll wonder, Why did I do or say that? Can be very embarrassing at times.
I’m 56 years old, my life has been one of unrealized potential, wasted opportunities, massive feelings of guilt, depression and sadness, but now that I know why I’m looking forward to getting help and moving on. Unfortunately I’m unemployed, and since the good old US of A does not see fit to provide us with healthcare then a proper diagnosis will have to wait. But thanks to this website, the Totally ADD show, and other resources, I’ve pretty much self-diagnosed myself, and I’m positive I have ADD.
WHEW! That was an effort! Gotta go play solitaire for a while now!
REPORT ABUSEDecember 12, 2010 at 7:45 pm #97596
AnonymousInactiveDecember 12, 2010 at 7:45 pmPost count: 14413I am in a similar situation as you, having just found out. I started sleeping better two weeks ago when I started taking both St. John’s Wort and 5-HTP. I am exercising regularly, too.
5-HTP seems more important for my situation. It is a precursor for Serotonin.
The only reason I found is that my wife saw the show yesterday when I was out and started hounding me about it. I came here last night, watched the videos and took the test and had my “aha” moment.
I don’t have coverage, either, but am going to call my local mental health agency tomorrow and start tracking down what resources there are. I would recommend that you start doing your homework and getting educated. Go to the local library as well. Keep educating yourself and you’ll get there.
I also found a book by Daniel Amen called Healing ADD. He has written a number of other, more recent brain chemistry/health books as well. All seem at least loosely related to this stuff. He is considered a world authority on the topic. Best of luck!
REPORT ABUSEDecember 12, 2010 at 7:46 pm #97597
AnonymousInactiveDecember 12, 2010 at 7:46 pmPost count: 14413btw, it seems like the 5-HTP is what has helped me start sleeping properly, which I have been doing for two weeks straight now.
Before this, I hadn’t slept properly in many years.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 12, 2010 at 7:48 pm #97598
AnonymousInactiveDecember 12, 2010 at 7:48 pmPost count: 14413The PBS show was a revelation, I will be 65 next year and have been going mentally as well as physically downhill (wearing myself out) for quite awhile trying to figure it all out on my own with no success and just more complications and shear puzzlement as to what happened and why I am like I am. Now I know, now I can move forward with help instead of faster while sitting still.
Sincere Thanks to all for this show and your work to bring it all to light……..Bingo!
REPORT ABUSEDecember 13, 2010 at 3:52 am #97599
AnonymousInactiveDecember 13, 2010 at 3:52 amPost count: 14413The PBS show hit every detail of ME! I have been a dog in a cat kennel and finally sniffed a familiar butt! No kidding, all the emotion, tears, anger, Post Sticks, everything, is ME ME ME!!! Now I know at age 47, why I don’t understand people and they don’t understand me. For years, I studied Mars Vs Venus and the popular joke is “Rick is from planet X”. In high school, the most accurate statement I remember, “There are 3 groups, Jocks, Druggies and Rick”. Super achievers? Does anyone know Frank Lloyd Wright? With no prior experience, I give him a serious run. Inspectors shake their heads and you can imagine what comes next! Boy do I get into trouble as well. No, I don’t do anything WRONG, I do too much too RIGHT! “To good to be true” Oh my God!!!! The local and state officials who go out of their way to describe, “You can’t do that without meaning or intending……” Super achiever? Adrenalin? I need my fix! When the project is done, I have to talk about it and I can’t shut up. When that runs out, I hit bottom. HELP! Please!
REPORT ABUSEDecember 13, 2010 at 4:09 am #97600My parents never told me I had such a huge family……….
Sleep? MY solution – stay up until I’m TOTALLY exhausted. Then I sleep well.
Ha- this is a quote from the book on my life:
>>When I was a child I was one of those who would take 4 hours to do an hour’s worth of homework. I was constantly daydreaming, especially in class (which got me in a bit of trouble). I was always being told, “You’re so intelligent, why aren’t you doing better?”,
REPORT ABUSEDecember 13, 2010 at 7:09 am #97601
AnonymousInactiveDecember 13, 2010 at 7:09 amPost count: 14413Had to watch the PBS show twice to make me realize what I already knew.
47 years of a half finished life. I know my life is not over, but there are days it feels like it.
Glad you are here!
REPORT ABUSEDecember 13, 2010 at 3:02 pm #97602
AnonymousInactiveDecember 13, 2010 at 3:02 pmPost count: 14413Wow, I am not alone. I am 46 and I feel that my life is not where it should be. Unorganized, bored and then the question, What have I been doing with my life and of course my finances are not where they should be. Alot of times I feel alone because no would understand and my family thinks I am making excuses for my situation.
However, the good news is everyday is an opportunity to improve on my shortcomings. When I could afford the meds, it made me fill like a zombie, when they wore off. But find if I exercise, mainly walk to get some oxygen in the brain and stay away from the process food there is a differance.
I am glad to know there is a forum for adults to be able to speak out on life and daily issues that those around me are clueless about what I struggle with.
REPORT ABUSEApril 28, 2012 at 9:34 am #97603
AnonymousInactiveApril 28, 2012 at 9:34 amPost count: 14413Yes there is always an opportunity to improve.
You would see surprising result when you would go for a walk and fill your brain with a lot of oxygen. Most of the time people don’t realize the actual problem and depend entirely on meds which is not good.
Alternative methods are always there. However they take some time to result but they are much better than meds.
REPORT ABUSEApril 28, 2012 at 9:37 am #97604I’m all for using lots of strategies but I walk for 2 hours a day in the countryside and if that is better than the meds I’ve been waiting for then I’m going to be sorely disappointed when I get them!
Glad it works for you but, although my general health has improved from taking long daily walks for the last 6 months it’s done nothing for my ADD symptoms.