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Re: OK, I'm having some trouble getting my head around this concept: “Disorder”

Re: OK, I'm having some trouble getting my head around this concept: “Disorder”2011-10-31T12:51:43+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults OK, I'm having some trouble getting my head around this concept: "Disorder" Re: OK, I'm having some trouble getting my head around this concept: “Disorder”


Post count: 169

I hear where you are coming from, Gary. However, we have to make money in this world of “normies” and that means holding down a job. This entails following “their” standards and accepted work habits. We cannot do that without help. If you can find employment in a way that you can function effectively and not require meds or other aids, I commend you. I have not been able to do so. My talents lie in areas where I have to work in an office environment. I am able to be creative in that realm, but must conform to the standards of that office to stay employed there, which is very difficult.

Like Bild, I have lost jobs due to my executive function deficits, especially my impulsivity and temper. I have missed opportunities because of these as well that have led to much regret in my life.

Gary, do not make the assumption that starting a million things is the same thing as creative. What makes you creative is how you tackle these tasks and what you do, not the need to start them. What makes you creative are your natural talents and interests. Exploit those. It is important to recognize what we are gifted at so that we can work around our deficits. Finding a setting that works for you is equally important. I work very independently, but in a small office of equals, which, while not ideal, allows much freedom that would not be available in a traditional office setting.