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Re: OK, I'm having some trouble getting my head around this concept: “Disorder”

Re: OK, I'm having some trouble getting my head around this concept: “Disorder”2011-10-31T21:47:03+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults OK, I'm having some trouble getting my head around this concept: "Disorder" Re: OK, I'm having some trouble getting my head around this concept: “Disorder”


Post count: 14413

My doc offered me a referral to either a doc for antidepressants and CBT, or a doc for an ADHD assessment and stimulants (as he is sure that I would be assessed as ADHD, but I also have anxiety issues which could be helped with some of the antidepressants). I went for his preference of psychoanalysis, but plan to be referred on also for a stimulant trial – and I only picked the stimulants because thay are short acting and I can take them only every now and then, but the antidepressants have to be taken every day, and they “flatten out” people’s mood. And I don’t want my mood altered. I am not depressed, so that doesn’t need dampening down, but I do enjoy life and the emotions that go with it, so I really don’t want any medication that dampens the highs in my life (or the lows either, for that matter).