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Re: On the road to learning about me!

Re: On the road to learning about me!2011-02-10T13:05:36+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story On the road to learning about me! Re: On the road to learning about me!


Post count: 14413

Dan……. Ok some thoughts……. DVR is great…. They do offer a tremendous amount of support…… I have been told it is funded by the FED and STATE coffers……… If you had the opportunity to check out the videos here on totallyadhd.com great!…….. If not, the one about the “hollistic” approach to adhd treatment I would definitely steer you towards. You know what, you really should view them all as you will find often different videos touch u in different ways and the best part is u can start and stop looking at them anytime, they have been produced for “ease” (lack of a better word) of viewing for those with ADHD……

I must say educating yourself about as much as you can regarding ADHD is going to be your greatest alli. I unfortunately put the cart before the horse when it came to the DVR and ADHD. I saw the benefits of DVR but I knew nothing about ADHD. In fact because of my lack of knowledge about it ADHD has been a great disability for me as oppossed to the great asset it should have been……..

There are many facets of DVR and the resources they offer. Check your states website. ASK ASK ASK questions. I am couriious what type of asistance from DVR are you looking for if I may ask? I have recently chatted with persons here on the east coast regarding DVR and it seems they are kinda sometimes pushing people thru the system just cauz it is again a Gov’t program and they do have to see such a large number of persons in need of real assistance………. Please keep in touch and let me know how things are working out….