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Re: Ontario Disability Support Program

Re: Ontario Disability Support Program2010-08-19T04:28:32+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Ontario Disability Support Program Re: Ontario Disability Support Program


Post count: 14413

The ODSP system, the CRA credits, and the social welfare net are under a lot of pressure due to an influx of applications created by third party companies who will take a cut of your settlement when you make the application. The system is flooded with ADHD applications and, as a result, the government is cracking down. The easy ride to get ODSP is over. The system gets manipulated and things change.

As for CAMH (as for any institution in North America) there are limitations on how much services the system can afford. ADHD is not a priority like depression, addictions or schizophrenia. The ADHD lobby needs to ramp up…..if they could ever get organized. Keep posted. As this social network gets stronger, YOU will be a force to reckon with. Get others involved.