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Ontario Disability Support Program

Ontario Disability Support Program2010-06-08T13:14:22+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Ontario Disability Support Program

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    Post count: 14413

    My young adult son is FINALLY applying for supports. Any advice on how to help this process go smoother and quickly? Of course we are helping him with it as always.

    Or any other avenue of support we may not know about would be helpful.


    Post count: 14413

    First step does he have his disability tax credit?


    If you support him you need to make sure your house is in order will, (what happens to him when we are gone?) insurance, trusts

    The list goes on.


    Post count: 109

    Actually a lot of folks who qualify for ODSP do not qualify for the federal tax credit.

    My own application was approved in 17 days, which is unheard of. So either Dr. J. completed the forms REALLY well or I am REALLY messed up. Or all of the above.

    Because he didn’t believe they would approve my son anyway he wasn’t nearly as helpful with Brendan’s application, but I got copies of a number of reports from his CAMH chart which I submitted as supporting documents to demonstrate how long this has been interfering with his life.

    At least now ODSP has cleaned up their act so claims are processed within 90 days. Don’t know what’s going to happen if we have to appeal as we are losing our specialist thanks to the idiots running CAMH.


    Post count: 14413

    The ODSP system, the CRA credits, and the social welfare net are under a lot of pressure due to an influx of applications created by third party companies who will take a cut of your settlement when you make the application. The system is flooded with ADHD applications and, as a result, the government is cracking down. The easy ride to get ODSP is over. The system gets manipulated and things change.

    As for CAMH (as for any institution in North America) there are limitations on how much services the system can afford. ADHD is not a priority like depression, addictions or schizophrenia. The ADHD lobby needs to ramp up…..if they could ever get organized. Keep posted. As this social network gets stronger, YOU will be a force to reckon with. Get others involved.


    Post count: 109

    Dr. J, some years back you told your lecture group that the WHO recognized ADHD has one of the top three mental illnesses affecting adults worldwide. Do you have a link to that reference?

    Never mind that I don’t know anybody with ADHD who does not ALSO have depression, or the number of ADD’ers who self-medicate with cocaine and other street drugs. CAMH has a real opportunity to make a difference here!


    Post count: 14413

    I was diagnosed in 1984 with ADHD. I have been on all kinds of medication, seen all kinds of doctors and specialists over the years. I have also been through numerous carrier changes. To keep things in perspective I have struggled my entire life. I finally broke down and applied to the Odsp support program with medical documentation as well as a review with dr G. And have been denied twice. Talk about stress on the mind. I am now waiting for a court date to appeal the decision in person . Is there any information that I should gather to assist in the presentation of my case?




    Post count: 109

    ADHD1977 – we’re in the same boat, waiting for my son’s date at the Social Benefits Tribunal in March.

    I was told by the Disability Adjudication Unit that we will receive a copy of my son’s entire file, including the adjudication page which tells us why they denied the claim.

    It would save a lot of time and money if they sent that when they deny the claim in the first place, so the request for an internal review can be more meaningful!

    Good luck!


    Post count: 14413

    Thanks!! It means allot to know that I’m not alone in this battle!

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