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That is one the most difficult things to learn – flexibility. It is still an issue for me and it will probably always be. Although, I have the scheduled times for performing particular tasks but I also have had to learn to simply let it go or simply postpone the task until I have time, which could be within ten minutes or thirty – regardless, I just accept that I didn’t have time but now I do.
Becoming stuck is a reality but not a life sentence – I once thought it was but have learned that it is a self-imposed issue for me – not saying it is for anyone else.
Sticky notes are truly invaluable; I still use them myself because lists can be daunting since when they grow we ADHDer’s see the ‘big-picture’ from start to finish – very, very overwhelming to say the least. However, when we take the time to break down the list into small manageable pieces we can breathe easier – like the old saying goes, “You can eat an elephant one bite at a time”.
Well, that I suppose that is why my coach has told me that setting at time each day to do a ‘little’ of those tasks that are large and ominous is perhaps the best approach – the elephant idea above. As I mentioned before, I have multi-coloured folders that I put various types of work in. I have three of the most important on top, the ‘follow-up’, the ‘urgent’ and the ‘filing’ folders. Filing is the first task of my day since if allowed to pile up and go unattended, it will soon be overwhelming and would require hours of dedicated and focused attention. Then my follow-up folder is next which I need to action things from past projects or projects which require approval or information from some other party. Once I have dealt with each of these, my urgent folder is places squarely on my desk ready for a maximum of five immediately required projects.
Keeping a log of your time spend on various projects has a purpose in teaching the ADHD brain how to reckon time and conceptualize time periods. This helps us to be better prepared to estimate time for projects and what not – great teaching tool.