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Re: organizers/calanders efficiency questions

Re: organizers/calanders efficiency questions2010-04-28T22:15:21+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments organizers/calanders efficiency questions Re: organizers/calanders efficiency questions


Post count: 14413

A agree, eimat, thinking out loud is a lot more fun on a big board. I drew up a project several years ago on a small whiteboard and I never erased it. I just retired the board and hung it in a place of prominence! (It deserved to be my “Wall of Fame” because I’ve been LIVING off of the revenue that project produces for the past 3-1/2 years!)

The blackboard paint is kind of expensive. I looked into that, too. Whiteboards are just neater and easier to clean, IMO. A little bit of rubbing alcohol on a rag and it’s like new. Plus, $13 (U.S.) for a 4×8 sheet really isn’t that bad. With a little one running around, I’d make sure it was anchored to the wall properly.