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Re: Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me!

Re: Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me!2012-09-28T00:58:42+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Strategies for Work Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me! Re: Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me!


allan wallace
Post count: 478

ROFL! Heh, I’m crap at those fighting games….I played a karate one for a while but I’d get mad when my guy got his arse whipped, but oh yeah, dreams are THE BEST!!! I love my dreams! I call it fellowshipping with Morpheus who was the Greek God of Dreams…In another thread I shared a couple of ’em: I lost an epic 5 set Wimbledon Final to Pete Sampras, and another one was about the end of the world due to a nuclear holocaust. I had that dream in the mid 80’s and the Arny movie had nothing on my dream…if the special effects could be transferred from my thick skull to a movie screen I’d be the best cinema in the world! 😆