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Re: Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me!

Re: Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me!2012-09-28T01:21:40+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Strategies for Work Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me! Re: Paper work and Emails finally caught up with me!


allan wallace
Post count: 478

Yeah, I do have some recurring dreams. Sometimes I’ll have a dream that’s kind of in instalments. I’ll sometimes dream the next episode of a dream that I’d dreamt sometimes years earlier. I had another recurring dream about coming off an amusement ride at a park and soaring through the air like a rocket watching everything beneath me shrink to the size of specks on the ground to then begin a rapid descent that saw the specks getting larger by the nano-second as I was now out to sea to realise that I was now far out away from land mass and heading towards the bottom of some vast ocean whilst being trapped within my ‘lil cage thingy heading towards an inevitable drowning…