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Re: Patterns & logic, yes; maths no. Different way of learning?

Re: Patterns & logic, yes; maths no. Different way of learning?2010-11-05T23:33:08+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Patterns & logic, yes; maths no. Different way of learning? Re: Patterns & logic, yes; maths no. Different way of learning?


Post count: 173

I got my initial diagnosis from Dr. Berenice Mandelcorn in Toronto. I wen to her on the recommendation of a friend who saw her and was diagnosed with a Non-Verbal LD. ( Just to avoid confusion, NVLD means that the person’s verbal skills are unimpaired, not that they are non-verbal). She’s a Psychologist though, so she can’t prescribe meds. She’s also quite expensive ($3000 for psychometric testing).

Right now, I’m seeing Dr. Domenic Dimanno at in the Outpatient Mental Health Clinic at Credit Valley Hospital in Mississauga. I’ve only had one meeting with him so far, but he’s been great. He doesn’t specialize in ADHD but he did tell me has experience with Childhood ADHD from his residency at Sick Kids.

In any case, he’s lightyears better than the last guy my GP referred me to, who I never came out and said it, but I’m pretty sure doesn’t believe in adult ADHD at all, as he started disputing my Psychologist’s diagnosis after having read half the introductory page of her report.

Back on topic. I was pretty good in math with the exception of transformational geometry until Grade 10. Then I really started struggling and I had no clue why. Didn’t stop me from taking all 3 math OACs, though I did terribly in Calculus and Algebra Geometry. Finite Math was ok.