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Re: PLEASE tell me how do you deal with it???

Re: PLEASE tell me how do you deal with it???2010-10-07T22:53:50+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Scared PLEASE tell me how do you deal with it??? Re: PLEASE tell me how do you deal with it???


Post count: 14413

Thanks for the comments everybody.

crystalsphinx, we have much the same in the “dealing with it” arena. I used to be crazy manic. Always on the go, running full throttle all of the time. I don’t know what changed things. All of a sudden I started having serious anxiety attacks and from there, depression, lack of focus in all areas and mood swings (which I always had just not as bad as they are now.).

My dilemma now is that with which problem do I try to deal with first. I find that I can only concentrate on one issue at a time. Besides medication for the bipolar, i have a difficult time doing anything about it. The depression seems to follow the bipolar hand in hand. If my mood drops, the depression will most certainly follow.

The ADHD seems to effect the other areas also. I feel that if I can find the ability to concentrate on one of these problems, that i may get a hold on all of them. It’s just that the ability to concentrae seems to ellude me.

As you can probably tell by how I write, i can’t even concentrate long enough to write what I want to say.

I wish you all of the luck with your issues and I hope that we both are able to find the right combination to overcome them.