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Re: PLEASE tell me how do you deal with it???

Re: PLEASE tell me how do you deal with it???2010-09-23T11:34:29+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Scared PLEASE tell me how do you deal with it??? Re: PLEASE tell me how do you deal with it???


Post count: 14413

Thanks for your input.

I do have a blackberry. I am good about puting Drs. appointments in it and I aet my alarm 1 hour before, just in case i’m acroos town.

I never really considered putting everyday commitments in there. That sounds like a great idea for me.

The therapist I have now has me keeping a mood chart in order to figure out a pattern to my mood swings. But even that is hard to keep up with. My wife and kids have been helping me remember the everyday things, but all three of my daughters are now off in colleges far away. That was a hard pill to swallow. They call me often. My youngest calls me every day to check up on me. LOL

Again, thank you for the advice. I’m sure that that little tidbit will help me greatly in the everday journey.