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Re: PLEASE tell me how do you deal with it???

Re: PLEASE tell me how do you deal with it???2010-09-23T22:45:37+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Scared PLEASE tell me how do you deal with it??? Re: PLEASE tell me how do you deal with it???


Post count: 14413

Glad to help those on the same path as I am. You’re not alone.

Something to try is a program like Sunbird. It’s a task manager and I think(i’ll look) that you can have it so you can have your blackberry check for updates.. like checking your mail. Or google calendar maybe.. something your family can access too if need be.

There’s allot of techie ways and tools and fun stuff. Hell I wear a stop watch around my neck at work so I’m not late from breaks and my lunch break.