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Re: PLEASE tell me how do you deal with it???

Re: PLEASE tell me how do you deal with it???2010-09-24T01:39:39+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Scared PLEASE tell me how do you deal with it??? Re: PLEASE tell me how do you deal with it???


Post count: 14413

Man I’m open about it. And why not! Most of the greatest minds , Einstein, Oscar Wilde, Rick Green… were ADD…

I post vids from here to my facebook and everything. We finally have an answer to what has held us from the greatness we know we could of had and how we can get it now! We still have time. Embrace it. Educate ppl about it. Most ppl think ADD is nothing more then being a hyperactive kid that needs Ritalin. I thought that until I learned more.

Oh on the ADHD great minds track.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8496955.stm

Allot of great minds there although I wouldn’t want to be labeled the same as Che Guevara… but the others are col :)