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Re: Post medication/Treatment – Anyone find themselves overly emotional?

Re: Post medication/Treatment – Anyone find themselves overly emotional?2011-01-15T14:39:03+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Post medication/Treatment – Anyone find themselves overly emotional? Re: Post medication/Treatment – Anyone find themselves overly emotional?


Post count: 546

I have always been a bit of a motor mouth, but now iam talking even more about my feelings and i have always had my feeling hurt very easly. so now for my family it is hard . they get so tyiered of hearing about my feelings. but this is who i an i have always talked freely about my feeling when i felt i could.i geuss that why i have always had an easyer time making girl friends then friends with the guys. i have never cared if the women were married because i was just trying to be a friend we talked and i would lisen. it has never been just trying to sleep with them. i will tell you the truth i don’t see alot of them very often, but when i do it brings great joy seeing them when i do. i was no great catch, a short little fat guy with not alot of money or brains. it’s all good life goes on.