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Re: Problems with relationship, How do ya'll deal with them?

Re: Problems with relationship, How do ya'll deal with them?2011-01-03T22:39:22+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD Relationships Problems with relationship, How do ya'll deal with them? Re: Problems with relationship, How do ya'll deal with them?


Post count: 18

Its hard. I have to say, I myself have not figured out how to deal with relationships. Other than the high school sweet heart (years ago), I’ve never had a relationship that has lasted more than a short time. I’ve just been diagnosed ADHD this past year. And as I look back, I can see more clearly how the few relationships I’ve had over the past 10 years have failed. But what bothers me more, is how I avoid and fear new relationships with women now. Its almost as if it’s just too much trouble and pain. It’s getting worse. I’m starting to sound like George McFly from Back to the Future….. “I don’t know that I can take that kind of rejection.” eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…. (that’s the McFly laugh)

It’s not that I’m totally uncomfortable around women, but if I get the slightest hint that a girl likes me….I literally run and hide. And forget picking up a girl. I have issues with flirting. Its hard to flirt naturally and effortlessly. It always comes out punchie and creepy. And I see now that I also miss read cues. As I think back over my (laughable) love career, I can’t even count how many times I would muster enough courage, ignoring all the fears, and man up to approach a woman who I though was flirting or sending signals, only to find out that I miss read everything. Only to have it blow up in my face. It leaves me embarrassed, hurt, confused and less willing to take that chance again. Its the pits! But, at least its not a mystery any longer. That was the super pits!