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Re: Put In A Box

Re: Put In A Box2010-12-08T15:33:34+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Pain Put In A Box Re: Put In A Box


Post count: 14413

At one time the educational system is very cruel.

I barely remember what my elementary school years were like but I do know I was often the target for punishment. I remember there was one incident where I was so out of control I was sent to the principal’s office. After that incident I received a severe beating from my father. I still bare the scars from his belt I struggled through my elementary years.

I was born as a lefty but I was forced to use my right hand. At one point my handwriting was so poor my father forced me to replicate an entire novel series in proper order in order to “improve” my handwriting with my weak hand. Over time my weak hand became my dominant hand. I had grown up often feeling being different from other children my age. I was often the target for beatings and verbal threats. Could you imagine what that type of abuse will do to a child? Over time I learned to suppress these feelings and started to believe I am not a good person. I became a bitterly angry man with a tendency toward absolute perfection. I had been that way for years until I was diagnosed with ADD. It answered a lot of my questions and started a journey toward healing and maybe one day happiness.

Educators need to understand the nature of ADD and what it might do to a child. It is one of the reasons why I had found psychology such a fascinating topic. We now know a child with ADD will require more individual personal attention and patient than a normal child. The ADD child will need a well informed family and support system in place as well. These resources will bring the child into a balance and happy life.