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Re: Recent college grad so overwhelmed by job search — advice?

Re: Recent college grad so overwhelmed by job search — advice?2012-06-05T15:49:08+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Struggling Recent college grad so overwhelmed by job search — advice? Re: Recent college grad so overwhelmed by job search — advice?


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Don’t let ADD define you. You have many other qualities that are valuable, you just need to be in the right position for others to see that. The fact that you graduated from collage is a HUGE bonus that will set you apart from others in the work field. The best jobs I have found have all come from applying to a temp service. You get to try a lot of different things so you might find something you like that you wouldn’t have thought of before! I did have to do some manual labor at times but it was optional in the application. I needed the money though and the physical work was a nice break from “brain work” in a way. Some of the companies that hire folks from a temp service are actually looking to fill permanet positions but find it easier to narrow down the search for good prospects if they go through a temp service. I have gotten three very good full-time jobs this way. One company was just starting out and trained me to be a loan processor and secretary. I am also becoming interested in working with children who have special educational needs (I have 2 kids with ADD symptoms, although undiagnosed). It seems like I “get” where these kinds of kids are coming from and at have a way with them that some adults don’t! I have started to wonder if there aren’t more jobs out there where I could be of value in a world where ADD is on the rise. Maybe you could become a tutor and help kids who are struggling in school. Tutors for kids in my area earn $40 an hour. It could be an excellent part-time job that would have a lot of flexibility. Helping kids is a big self confidence booster and they could use a good role model who has actually graduated from college. Just something to think on.