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Re: recently (and unexpectedly) diagnosed- and still floundering

Re: recently (and unexpectedly) diagnosed- and still floundering2011-01-12T10:21:44+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community recently (and unexpectedly) diagnosed- and still floundering Re: recently (and unexpectedly) diagnosed- and still floundering


Post count: 14413

You know… I am in a very unique position I’m in school at this moment and I an in the Social services program at St. Petersburg College here in St. Petersburg, Florida. I have two options one leads me into social work; the other as an addictions counselor maybe option two may hold the key… It was really bittersweet; In the end I finally told my Dad… I loved him; after 35 years I finally told him I loved him. The emotions that poured out of me, shocked me and left me just about catatonic when I heard from him for the first time in 35 years, that he loved me… indeed there is alot more going than we realize. Jen thank-you for shareing your story hang in there okay? Larynxa thank-you again for your insights I really appreciate and look forward to them.
