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Re: recently (and unexpectedly) diagnosed- and still floundering

Re: recently (and unexpectedly) diagnosed- and still floundering2011-01-22T03:13:58+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community recently (and unexpectedly) diagnosed- and still floundering Re: recently (and unexpectedly) diagnosed- and still floundering


Post count: 14413

they’re definately on something- that, or having a huge laugh at the expense of tomorrows workforce.

probably a huge psychological experiment designed to keep the masses down, despondent and generally defeated. deep in some secret government thinktank the boffins are most likely sitting around plotting: “ok fellow nerds- here’s the plan: we’ll make all these keen and perky young people take up bizarre and clearly inappropriate careers- so they snap and wig out completely, and then we’ll record and analyse the total crumbling of society as we know it! right team- lets brainstorm- what sort of careers suggestions do you think they’ll fall for?!”

i’ll foil their dastardly scheme by definately not becoming a flying vice-squad chiropractor- you see if i don’t!

*shakes fist menacingly at careers people*

…. i’m only jealous because my profile apparently isn’t so high. well, maybe it is- they never gave it a blood or sobriety test. :P