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Re: Score high on test but giving me “not” adhd ?

Re: Score high on test but giving me “not” adhd ?2010-12-12T01:11:46+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! Other Score high on test but giving me "not" adhd ? Re: Score high on test but giving me “not” adhd ?


Post count: 913

I got a perfect score on the test (virtual-doctor) here. Yes to all questions, a yes squared on some. 9/9 through the whole thing. LOL – I even found myself drifting and looking around while taking the test, had trouble paying attention long enough to catch each question!

The PDF test pointed to on some sites, if you gave each of the 18 questions a 1-5 rating, so a perfect far-right yes on each was 5, I got an 83 out of 90 on that one but answered in the gray on all 18 questions.

Guess I’m pretty well set beings my mother is ADD and my youngest son was diagnosed AD/HD and on meds.

I felt pretty good, though, because I almost always score very good on tests, typically over 90% so I was glad to see I’m still good at tests.