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Re: Severe Procrastination

Re: Severe Procrastination2011-06-22T15:23:14+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Severe Procrastination Re: Severe Procrastination


Post count: 11

I SO feel for you. We have all been exactly where you are now. When you’re so far deep in the hole, then first thing (and the absolute hardest, for me anyway!) is to ask for help. For me, this brings up HUGE anxiety and even close to a panic attack, but it’s the only way to start digging your way out.

I had to withdraw from classes one semester. My husband looked at all my back-logged work and said the only way out of this is to withdraw. (I was 1000s of pages behind in reading and weeks of papers–and I was too ashamed to let anyone know. Plus, I kept “planning” to stay up all night, for several nights, to finish it all.) I never saw withdrawing as an option — only saw more organizing ideas and beating myself up for not doing what I clearly wanted to do. He actually wrote the withdrawal letter for me because I was flipping out. He even asked for a medical leave so I could work on the coping skills to finish school (I’ve managed a 3.8 GPA in graduate school) I read it then sent it. My professors were so understanding. The registrar’s office gave me the leave for an entire year so I could concentrate on therapy! I lost all that semester’s money, but regained sanity. Now, in therapy, I’m working on all those presuppositions that caused me not to seek help in the first place.

I should have asked for help LONG before the withdrawal point. I’m telling you — you can read and study all kinds of self-help books and amazing organizational websites but sometimes you just simply need someone to take your hand and walk you through it. Ask your husband, a friend, a pastor, or hire an ADHD coach and tell them you don’t know how to get out of this hole. And they WILL help!

God bless you and you will get through this — just ask someone!