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Re: Small box not big box

Re: Small box not big box2011-06-01T21:09:55+00:00

Post count: 128

I like the idea of a small box. Too small to store stuff in but big enough to get things cleaned up. I think I will try it myself tonight.

Most of my house is in boxes. That is how I used to clean. If someone was coming over I would get a box and throw in everything that was out of place. I would then shove the boxes anywhere they would be out of sight. Thus, my basement is half full of these boxes. My living room is half full of these boxes. My home office is half full of these boxes. The other half of the living room and my office and most of my bedroom and my dining room are all full of the boxes we brought home from cleaning out my mother-in-law’s house. It is a nightmare. I know exactly how you feel about the house burning down so you can start over. I have felt the same way on many occasions (like almost daily). NEVER ask an ADDer to clean out someone else’s house by themselves. Of course I just got stuck with it because I was the only one in the family that was available (unemployed/underemployed)

Every week I say I want to have a yard sale. I got tired of saying it to my daughter and having her give me that look, you know the one that non-ADDers give you when you say something you can’t possibly accomplish in the given time frame. We finally agreed, if I am actually ready for a yard sale by Thursday of any given week, we will have it on that Saturday.