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Re: Solution to sound sensitivity!

Re: Solution to sound sensitivity!2010-12-11T02:22:26+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Solution to sound sensitivity! Re: Solution to sound sensitivity!


Post count: 14413

For me, to be able to concentrate on a book, I need either a totally quiet place or a chaos of TV and radio playing togheter. But if, in either situation, I hear a neighbor do any sound at all, it drives me berserk! At night I always sleep with ear plugs. I can’t stand any sound waking me up. I’ll try and get me those isolating headphones!

The weirdest thing is, I can’t stand the ringing of the Intercom system at work, but when I ask others if they also think it’s way to loud they seem surprise by my asking. They don’t think it is!