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Solution to sound sensitivity!

Solution to sound sensitivity!2010-08-02T05:00:52+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Solution to sound sensitivity!

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    Post count: 913

    I’m fine when mowing the lawn and have the sound of my own engine in front of me while I ride for 3 hours, but let the neighbor fire up their mower, it drives me crazy. I go run my tractor or one of my engines just to listen to it, it’s music to me, but let someone else run something loud, or a motorcycle, etc. – aarrgghh.

    I’ve found good bass, drums, low notes, etc. are good – high notes/high pitches, screaming instruments, can’t handle.

    If I have music going, it’s got to have good bass or percussion. None of these high screaching guitars that sound like they are in pain.

    I’m with you on the book thing – either TOTAL quiet, or background noise of the TV or whatever. Odd………. and I can start out wanting the sound, then a couple hours later it’s driving me nuts. I can’t explain that or why.


    Post count: 14413

    wow!! all my life I though it was just me!! lol!! Actually when I was trying to help my then 12 year old daughter ( now 22) figure out with the Learning Centre here in Calgary that she actually had ADD…..I realised it was also my charming curse!! Sounds drive me mad!! Today I wanted to throw something at the other person in the kitchen who just does not get it!! I hate the sound of water hitting our sink in the new house!! It pierces my ears!!

    Now I need to figure out what I can do to find some headphones to allow him to actually live in the house with my wanting to throttle him for the noise he causes and does not seem to hear……..but are so magnified for me!!

    lol!! It seems that my extreamly low noise tolerance levels are also somehow linked to my lowered thyroid medication…….maybe because it has made me very edgy!!


    Post count: 14413

    Thank you all so much! I’m the mother of a 16 year old son with ADHD. large family gatherings have always been difficult fot him because of all the noise. The only solution I could come up with was to take him into an isolated room for 15 or 20 minutes several times throughout the day and just chill together to give him some ‘decompression’ time. Many of the family members didn’t understand this and thought it was extremely rude. I can’t help what they think out of ignorance. I’m gonna do what’s best for my child. (off the subject. lol). But the headphone idea could really help him. I’m absolutely gonna find him a set. Thanks again.


    Post count: 3

    About 8 years ago, I moved from a noisy city to a small, quiet town. One new noise that really bothered me was water hitting the stainless steel kitchen sink. I replaced it with a cast iron sink. Much better.

    Many years ago, I started using noise canceling headphones for plane travel. The headphones helped me arrive less agitated than without them. I can handle noise OK, but really prefer quiet for the most part. However, for reading, I like to have music playing, or even the TV going in the background.

    When I was married, my wife at the time bought a sound therapy machine that created an irritating, low rumbling sound. It was really agitating to me. Without knowing about the sound machine, I complained about the irritating noise. It was immediately a real point of contention between us. I told her I didn’t want it on when I was in the house.

    I didn’t know anything about ADD until a few weeks ago. All this time, I thought my noise aversion was just an odd quirk of mine, but it seems to be fairly common with ADDers. Wish I’d known about this sooner.


    Post count: 14413

    This is so awesome to find others with the noise issue. It’s more than just something annoying, it really gets to me. Most of my problem is noises that seem out of place. The neighbors below will play music, it’s not that loud and my husband can’t hear it but I can and I tune into it and become annoyed and frustrated. I’m getting better about it, haven’t complained to them because they aren’t playing it loud…I’m just sensitive. Still, it takes a while to calm down about it.


    Post count: 14413

    I get totally overstimulated at work by all the chatter, phones, intercom, etc. I have some Bose noise cancelling headphones and they do well to block certain sounds as described so well by LionD. What I really need are human chatter-blocking headphones. Where can I find some of those?

    It seems that I am not sensitive to noises that I am in control of (like the TV, music, or whatever household noise I am creating) but most sensitive to the noises that are not in my control. It is almost as if my overstimulation is made worse by perhaps the anxiety in knowing I can’t turn down or turn off some sounds. In the morning I like to have the news on fairly loud while I’m getting ready for work, then when I get in the car I listen to music (rather loudly at times) and am fine with it, but when I get to the office I quickly get overwhelmed by all the talking and other sounds around me. It seems kinda nutz to me. Does anyone else experience this?


    Post count: 14413

    Well, I just read back and see billd’s post and I guess I am not alone (with regard to my question above). This is my first time on this forum and I am feeling so amazed and validated reading about how many other folks have the same experiences. Thanks for this wonderful space y’all!


    Post count: 31

    I have a lot of issues with noise. When my family watches action movies on TV, I have to leave the room or cover my ears a lot. They always complain if I turn it down or they roll their eyes if I cover my ears. But those sudden loud noises drive me crazy ! I can almost feel my blood pressure rise. Same goes for loud clapping when close by me or sudden loud voices. I have learned that sleeping with a pillow over my head is the best way to insure no sudden loud noises will startle me. I can understand (to some minor degree) how autistic people feel. yikes!


    Post count: 14413

    I don’t go to movies becuase I feel like my senses are getting assaulted!

    The sound is down low, then comes up way too high.

    Just in general I find them very very loud.

    And let’s not talk about all the jackasses who are around you doing noisy things to distract from the movie..such as talking on their cell phones, taking pictures with their cell phones, kicking your seat behind you, people talking loudly, getting up, coming in late and Just Having to get that seat on the other side of you so the whole row has to stand up once the movie has started, sitting beside you with half their body in your space,,,etc etc..



    Post count: 14413

    Recently I found a solution that seems to help and it falls in the cataglory of “If you can’t beat them;join them!” I use ear buds when on the computer and put on soothing instramental music the kind that would help trigger my hyperfocusing tendencies. When I do I put my focus not on the music but what I am doing the music acts like white noise to help me block out the insanity. I really enjoy the work of French Composer Erik Satie especially “Trois Gymnope’dies” (The Three Gymnist) There are also a selection of “Satie meditation music” on YouTube that I found very helpful.



    Post count: 14413

    I found a fantastic CD on Amazon .com that not only helps me focus while studying but helps me relax it is a bit pricey almost $40.00 American but worth every penny. It is called Pachelbel and Satie with Natures Ocean Sounds. It is music for meditation. I just listened to it and I feel very relaxed and focused. Just thought I would share this tidbit


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