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Re: Sports, Anyone?

Re: Sports, Anyone?2010-08-12T19:30:48+00:00

Post count: 14413

Golf actually calms down my physiology and my thoughts. Recent studies have shown that exposure to the beautiful greenery of the great outdoors has an effect on the ADHD brain. Of course, one has to not throw their clubs and wander off to the clubhouse bar in protest LOL!

Golf, when USED as an ADHD management tactic, can be very useful. It’s a matter of figuring out how to apply it in a conscious way that takes advantage of the power of ‘INTEREST’. It can be addictive, really, especially once you’re mechanically sound enough in your swing and stroke to stop worrying about the details and enjoy your surroundings – enjoy the present moment, so to speak.

T. Lavon Lawrence