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Sports, Anyone?

Sports, Anyone?2010-08-08T11:38:41+00:00
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    Post count: 14413

    I was wondering what type of sports anyone likes to do?

    I tried golf yesterday for the first time. 18 holes…………(my husbands’s annual company tournament)

    Only threw the golf club down and yelled ‘I hate this game, I QUIT!’ twice after missing a couple of sweet hits.


    Running around types of sports seems to be better but then I also can’t seem to shut up!

    Makes it good to trashtalk the competition, though.



    Post count: 14413

    I practice martial arts for 5 years. It helped me focus and memory. The fitness is complete. Ask, not all martial arts are violent.


    Post count: 14413

    Hi Philippe

    Thanks for the answer!

    May I ask what type of martial arts? I am not familiar with any at all.

    Any you would suggest for a beginner to try?


    Post count: 14413

    Golf actually calms down my physiology and my thoughts. Recent studies have shown that exposure to the beautiful greenery of the great outdoors has an effect on the ADHD brain. Of course, one has to not throw their clubs and wander off to the clubhouse bar in protest LOL!

    Golf, when USED as an ADHD management tactic, can be very useful. It’s a matter of figuring out how to apply it in a conscious way that takes advantage of the power of ‘INTEREST’. It can be addictive, really, especially once you’re mechanically sound enough in your swing and stroke to stop worrying about the details and enjoy your surroundings – enjoy the present moment, so to speak.

    T. Lavon Lawrence


    Post count: 14413

    MerryMac: I’ve been doing Tae Kwon Do for almost 3 years now. Between my dyslexia and ADHD it’s been challenging at times. There are a lot of techniques and forms to learn. Everything gets a little more complex as one progresses through the color belt ranks. I think it has helped me with focus to some degree.

    As Philippe stated it helps with focus and memory. One has be focused and use memorization to keep the different forms straight.

    I’m going to be testing for my black belt this fall. The preparation has been intense, and at times I feel a bit overwhelmed. However I’ve been working out coping strategies to help me be prepared.


    Post count: 14413

    Thanks for all the answers!

    I just got the P90X system in the mail…workout DVD’s for the home. Lots of different routines…lots of variations…

    I’ve worked out at home before and had great results.

    Allows me to be much calmer for the rest of the day and helps with the low-self esteems aspect.

    However, I haven’t yet gotten around to opening the darned package and sticking the DVD into the player!

    : )


    Post count: 14413

    My major sport is Judo. I started when I was a teen and have restarted after a 6 year hiatus. It takes a lot of practice but there are a lot of little steps that keep me interested. There is also a big tactical part to the sport. I’ve met big, small, short, tall people who succeed at it. I’m doing it for fun but I know people who are competing internationally.

    There’s tons of videos on YouTube for Judo. Have a look!


    Post count: 14413

    Thanks sleepingbear!


    Rick Green – Founder of TotallyADD
    Post count: 473

    The one activity that I found made a difference was biking. I did a bike rally about five years ago and my ADHD symptoms went way down as I got into the best shape I’d ever been in my life. What I loved about biking was the constantly changing landscape. Lots of novelty. I carried a pocket recorder and captured lots of great ideas.

    The downside of biking is that in this climate, you’re out of luck for the winter.

    You can buy a support that will hold the bike up, with rollers for the wheel to rotate, and you can pedal away indoors in a stationary position. But then you don’t get the changing landscape.

    I know, put on a movie and watch TV.


    Post count: 13

    Curling!……. seriously, when I get off the ice I feel great. Could be the physical workout from all that sweeping or, having to focus that bit more to make the cunning shots or, maybe the social contact. Likely a combo of all these. Worth a go!


    Post count: 14413

    What Rick said.

    One thing that I think is unfortunate in the ADHD debate is that people forget that ADHD is not necessarily anything more than a culture-bound syndrome…the ADHD brain is wired perfectly for say, hunting sabre-tooth tigers. It is not wired for sitting at a desk, rotting away for 8 hours.

    Exercise is not a cure-all, surely, but go ride your bike as hard as you can for one hour and tell me it doesn’t positively effect your ADHD!


    Post count: 14413

    I personally like Golf and Rugby.


    Post count: 913

    No offense intended toward anyone, but personally I’ve always found golf too slow and boring.

    Biking, yes – that I like. We bought me a brand new bike a couple of years ago, and now finally having a GOOD bike that works well and rolls easily it’s a pleasure, and I love being outdoors, but I love varied outdoors with a lot of trees and varied landscapes (maybe it’s the manicured grass all cut to within 1/10th of an inch of each other that bothers me about golf – waiting also drives me nuts…)

    I love trees, lots of TREES, so we ride where there are trees. Unfortunately, around here it’s really hilly, too – the RAGBRAI riders come to this area to prepare for the annual ride because of the hills, curves, etc.

    I also love mushroom hunting in the spring, although it’s not quite as exciting or dangerous as the sabre-tooth tiger hunt.

    I really like my cars and might tend to get into racing one of ’em if I get the guts.

    I used to love motorcycle riding. But I’m accident prone, and decided to not buy another after I sold the last one. Not that I ever laid it down or had any sort of an accident with one, but my record with cars……… made my wife a bit nervous. And around here, if it’s not ice, snow or cold, it’s rain, so the bike sat a lot.


    Post count: 14413

    I don’t have ADHD, but my son and husband both do. Swimming has worked wonders for my son. I think that the measured breathing along with the meditation on form and physical activity just kind of combine to be almost a silver bullet for him. If I can get him in the pool for 45 minutes or an hour before a big homework assignment, sometimes it works to alleviate symptoms better than his meds. It’s been a life saver in our family. And if you have a local ‘ Y’ or something like that, inclement weather isn’t an issue.


    Post count: 14413

    I was really into playing golf throughout most of the 1990s and up until about 2006, but since then the ADD has taken over and I’ve lost interest in it. I’d like to take it up again, maybe next year, but golf is not exactly the cheapest sport around, so my playing time will be limited since I havn’t exactly won the lottery yet!

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