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Re: SSRI''s: Do they understand how they work yet?

Re: SSRI''s: Do they understand how they work yet?2012-09-09T22:53:26+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Antidepressants SSRI''s: Do they understand how they work yet? Re: SSRI''s: Do they understand how they work yet?


Post count: 8

Hi Robbo. I think you are very courageous to share your journey. I too have an emotional existence for which an adult ADHD diagnosis doesn’t explain everything. There is no doubt from the study of all brain-based illnesses ADHD involves dopamine and seratonin shortages. We may be born with them or we may have life experiences with a negative effect on our brains. Most people I know have both. I know I do. The good news is making progress in one area of our healing leads to improvement in all areas. Once the grief and anger you feel over all the pain and lost time and opportunities I think you will find this for yourself. In the meantime find the best therapeutic and peer support you can. Try every support group and as many physicians and therapists as needed to get the best treatment team. Do your research carefully while remaining open to treatment suggestions. Don’t take any crap from any of them, but do remember to make them feel like being part of your team will be a joyful journey to recovery instead of a pain in the butt every appointment. Most of all, live inside your truth and insist your feelings and point of view be respected.